XML to HTM Convert Online Free XML to HTM converter

How to convert XML to HTM?

You can convert XML files to HTM format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the XML and HTM formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support XML and HTM files and can also save them in new file formats.

XML File Type

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It's a file type that has a .xml extension. XML files are based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The Extensible Markup Language provides a common framework for exchanging data between applications and different operating systems. This enables users to use Microsoft Word to create a spreadsheet in Excel, which is saved as an XML file, without having to export the document to ASCII text format first. In other words, XML files can be used interchangeably with different platforms and formats because they are platform independent. This makes it easy for users who work on multiple platforms or have different software installed on their computer to be able to open any given file without needing specific programs installed on the computer where the file will be opened from.

Full Name XML Format
Developer N/A
Category Data Files

HTM File Type

The HTM file extension is used by Hypertext Markup Language File. These files are plain text files that are used to write HTML documents. They are usually created through the use of a markup language, which helps create web pages for displaying information on the internet. The HTM file extension is also known as the HTML Files.

Full Name Hypertext Markup Language Format
Developer N/A
Category Web Files

Software, that convert XML files

The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting XML and HTM files. The list may also include programs that support XML files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.

XML to HTM Converters

  • Atom iconAtom
  • Atom for Linux iconAtom for Linux
  • Atom for Mac iconAtom for Mac
  • Microsoft Excel iconMicrosoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word iconMicrosoft Word
  • Stylus Studio iconStylus Studio
  • Sublime Text for Linux iconSublime Text for Linux
  • Sublime Text for Mac iconSublime Text for Mac
  • Visual Studio Code iconVisual Studio Code
  • 9 XML to HTM converters

XML and HTM conversions