How to convert TREC to M4A?
You can convert TREC files to M4A format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the TREC and M4A formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support TREC and M4A files and can also save them in new file formats.
TREC File Type
The most common and effective format for recording videos is the .TS file. This is true for almost any video program that is being used, including Camtasia Studio. The .TS file can contain a recorded session. A session can be 3 hours of footage which would take up about 2GB of space on your hard drive.
Full Name | Camtasia Studio Recorded Session |
Developer | TechSmith Corporation |
Category | Video Files |
M4A File Type
M4A is a compressed audio file type. MTS files can be opened by Sony Vegas, an editing software for video and audio. M4A is a compressed audio file type that is commonly used on Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. MTS files can be opened by Sony Vegas, an editing software for video and audio.
Full Name | MPEG-4 Audio Format |
Developer | Apple |
Category | Audio Files |
Software, that convert TREC files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting TREC and M4A files. The list may also include programs that support TREC files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
TREC to M4A Converters
Camtasia for Mac
Camtasia Studio
TREC and M4A conversions
- To M4A
- 3GA to M4A
- AAC to M4A
- AC3 to M4A
- AMR to M4A
- APE to M4A
- BONK to M4A
- CDA to M4A
- FLAC to M4A
- MP3 to M4A
- OGG to M4A
- WAV to M4A
- WMA to M4A
- CAF to M4A
- DOC to M4A
- DOCX to M4A
- TXT to M4A
- 3GP to M4A
- MOV to M4A
- MOV to M4A
- XSPF to M4A
- M4R to M4A
- MSWMM to M4A
- VOX to M4A
- WAVE to M4A
- WLMP to M4A
- WV to M4A
- RTTTL to M4A
- AIFF to M4A
- MIDI to M4A
- MID to M4A
- MP4 to M4A