How to convert H264 to MXF?
You can convert H264 files to MXF format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the H264 and MXF formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support H264 and MXF files and can also save them in new file formats.
H264 File Type
The H.264 Encoded Video File is a type of MPEG-4 file that is used to store video in MPEG-4 format with lower bit rates than DVD. It also provides an option for high quality audio encoding and bit rates up to 40Mbps. It can be found on most digital camcorders, Blu-ray discs, and many home theater systems.nParagraph: The H264 encoded video file stores both the video and audio in MPEG4 format with compressed data rates that are about 1/2 of the size of the uncompressed data rate. It is available on most digital camcorders, Blu-ray discs, and many home theater systems.
Full Name | H.264 Encoded Video Format |
Developer | N/A |
Category | Video Files |
MXF File Type
MXF file is a material exchange file format. It is often used in which you can collaborate on the same 3D objects with multiple people at the same time. The MXF file extension has become popular recently because of its use by modern video editors like Adobe Premiere Pro and Sony Vegas Pro. The advantage of using MXF format is that it allows you to work on the timeline at the same time as your co-workers.
Full Name | Material Exchange Format |
Developer | SMPTE |
Category | Video Files |
Software, that convert H264 files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting H264 and MXF files. The list may also include programs that support H264 files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
H264 to MXF Converters
H264 and MXF conversions
- From H264
- H264 to AVI
- H264 to 3G2
- H264 to BIK
- H264 to BNK
- H264 to DASH
- H264 to FLV
- H264 to MJPG
- H264 to MKV
- H264 to MOV
- H264 to MP3
- H264 to MP4
- H264 to MPEG
- H264 to VOB
- H264 to WEBM
- H264 to WMV
- H264 to XVID
- H264 to ASF
- H264 to DIVX
- H264 to H263
- H264 to M4V
- H264 to MXF
- H264 to M2TS
- H264 to M2V
- H264 to MPG
- H264 to H261
- H264 to MTS
- H264 to 3GP