How to convert WLMP to MSWMM?
You can convert WLMP files to MSWMM format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the WLMP and MSWMM formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support WLMP and MSWMM files and can also save them in new file formats.
WLMP File Type
The .WLMP file extension is typically associated with Windows Live Movie Maker Project File. The file type is exclusively used for Movie Maker, an easy-to-use video editing software by Microsoft Corporation. This file type is used to store information about the project that can be opened in Windows Live Movie Maker. We are not able to open the .WLMP file extension with any other application other than Windows Live Movie Maker, which requires a Microsoft account in order to access it. The files are usually saved in the My Documents folder of your computer or on your OneDrive account, which can be accessed using a web browser or mobile app.
Full Name | Windows Live Movie Maker Project Format |
Developer | Microsoft |
Category | Video Files |
MSWMM File Type
MSWMM file extension is a .MSWMM file, which was designed to be opened with Microsoft’s Windows Movie Maker software. The MSWMM extension is a Windows Movie Maker project file type. The use of the MSWMM extension is to provide an easily accessible method for importing video clips into the Windows Movie Maker software program.
Full Name | Windows Movie Maker Project |
Developer | Microsoft |
Category | Video Files |
Software, that convert WLMP files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting WLMP and MSWMM files. The list may also include programs that support WLMP files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
WLMP to MSWMM Converters
Microsoft Windows Live Movie Maker
WLMP and MSWMM conversions
- 3GP to MSWMM