How to convert FPX to RAW?
You can convert FPX files to RAW format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the FPX and RAW formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support FPX and RAW files and can also save them in new file formats.
FPX File Type
The FlashPix extension was developed by Adobe to provide an intermediate format between the Bitmap Image File (BMP) and the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) formats. The .FPX file is used in order to create bitmaps in Flash, when working with bitmap images created with other software like Photoshop.
Full Name | FlashPix Bitmap Image Format |
Developer | Kodak |
Category | Raster Image Files |
RAW File Type
RAW files are uncompressed versions of a digital photograph. RAW files, also known as Raw Image Data Files, are the original material captured by the camera sensor before any processing is applied. Therefore, they contain more data than JPEG or TIFF formats and must be processed differently in order to be used with other programs.
Full Name | Raw Image Data Format |
Developer | N/A |
Category | Data Files |
Software, that convert FPX files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting FPX and RAW files. The list may also include programs that support FPX files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
FPX to RAW Converters
ACDSee Photo Manager
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for Mac
ArcSoft PhotoStudio