What is XBRL file?
XBRL is a taxonomy for business reporting that facilitates access to business data and offering market insights. XBRL is not mandatory but most companies have adopted it. It has become the dominant standard for international financial reporting.
XBRL Format details
Full Name | Extensible Business Reporting Language |
Developer | N/A |
Category | Document Files |
Software, that convert XBRL files
The easiest way to convert a XBRL file is to save it in a different file format using dedicated software. Below you will find a list of software programs that can handle XBRL files. Open your XBRL file with one of them and save in another file format.
XBRL Converters
NotePad++ text editor
XBRL Addon for Firefox
XBRL conversions
- From XBRL
- XBRL to MD