How to convert RPM to JAR?
You can convert RPM files to JAR format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the RPM and JAR formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support RPM and JAR files and can also save them in new file formats.
RPM File Type
RPM file extension is an archive file format that is used for packaging software, drivers, and other software collections. The file extension is commonly used in Linux systems to package software. An RPM package consists of the following: Header information which includes the package name, version number, and creation date. The list of files included in the package. The list of directories included in the package.
Full Name | Red Hat Package Manager Format |
Developer | Red Hat |
Category | Compressed Files |
JAR File Type
A JAR file is an archive file that contains one or more compressed computer files. The JAR file extension is used by Java-based applications to package class libraries, images, sounds, and other resources. A JAR file seems to be a compressed folder containing one or more files. The first thing you need to do after downloading the .JAR file is unzip it. After you unzip it, you will notice that it extracts all the contents of the .JAR into a new folder with the same name as the .JAR.
Full Name | Java Archive Format |
Developer | Oracle |
Category | Executable Files |
Software, that convert RPM files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting RPM and JAR files. The list may also include programs that support RPM files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
RPM to JAR Converters