How to convert IPT to 3DM?
You can convert IPT files to 3DM format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the IPT and 3DM formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support IPT and 3DM files and can also save them in new file formats.
IPT File Type
Some digital agencies use IPT files for their clients. They are convenient because they are easy to manage and open, unlike the old-school Inventor Part Files. The IPT file extension is a file that is created by an Inventor Part Tool used in industrial design to store assembly information of a product. It has features like the ability to serve as an assembly drawing or part list for manufacturing purposes, having one or more drawings per sheet, adding notes and comments on individual drawings, managing revisions of drawings over time, along with other features that make it easy for industrial designers to create high quality documentation for their products.
Full Name | Inventor Part Format |
Developer | Autodesk |
Category | CAD Files |
3DM File Type
A 3DM file is a model in a 3D format. It is a file that can be opened and used with the Rhino 3D software. There are many uses for the .3dm files which include CAD, photorealism, engineering design, and animations. 3DM Files are very common in CAD workflows where they are used to create models that can then be exported into other formats for use in engineering design or animations.
Full Name | Rhino 3D Model |
Developer | Robert McNeel & Associates |
Category | 3D Image Files |
Software, that convert IPT files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting IPT and 3DM files. The list may also include programs that support IPT files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
IPT to 3DM Converters