How to convert FXP to AIF?
You can convert FXP files to AIF format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the FXP and AIF formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support FXP and AIF files and can also save them in new file formats.
FXP File Type
FXP is a file extension used to specify an external X-tree (X-elevation) for the source document. It allows you to open the file directly in your editor without having to convert it first. We can manually open FXP files with various editors but if we use an FXPWriter, this is much easier and without any extra effort. It does not require that you know how to use SQL; it only requires that you know how to be able to write an SQL query in Visual FoxPro. Once opened, FXP files can be edited using various editors such as Visual FoxPro, Wordpad or TextPad among others. But if we use an FXPWriter, our workflow is much simpler and efficient since all we have to do is copy/paste text from
Full Name | Visual FoxPro Compiled Database Format |
Developer | Microsoft |
Category | Database Files |
AIF File Type
The AIF file extension stands for Audio Interchange File, a format used for storing sound files. It was originally created in the late 1960s by Sony Corporation. AIFF (Audio Interchange File) is an audio file format that allows an audio data stream to be stored as a single large block of digital data called an "audio frame" using one of three compression methods: Uncompressed linear PCM, lossless compressed linear PCM or lossy compressed linear PCM. When uncompressed linear PCM is used, it can provide up to 16-bit/48 kHz resolution and offers the highest fidelity with the least compression artifacts. Lossless compressed Linear PCM offers 12-bit/44 kHz resolution and less than half the compression artifacts of uncompressed Linear PCM, but at a greater
Full Name | Audio Interchange Format Sound Format |
Developer | Apple |
Category | Audio Files |
Software, that convert FXP files
The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting FXP and AIF files. The list may also include programs that support FXP files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.
FXP to AIF Converters
Translator Professional