890 to ASS Convert Online Free 890 to ASS converter

How to convert 890 to ASS?

You can convert 890 files to ASS format in several ways. The most proven option is to download dedicated software that allows you to convert between the 890 and ASS formats. At the bottom you will find a list of software programs that support 890 and ASS files and can also save them in new file formats.

890 File Type

The 890 file contains a large amount of data about the video file. It includes the name and length of the video and the volume number that it belongs to, as well as the name of the subtitle track.

Full Name Cavena Subtitles Format
Developer Cavena
Category Video Files

ASS File Type

An ASS file is an open .ASS file. It is a text-based script that can be edited and saved as another file. Aegisub Advanced Substation Alpha File (.ASS) is a text-based script that can be edited and saved as another file. It is commonly used for editing subtitles and dialogue in anime, which allows the users to quickly change the settings of their videos and subtitle tracks. It’s a good practice to use the ASS extension to help others identify your edits and changes because it makes it easy for them to decipher what your changes are, even without having seen the original files or scripts before hand.

Full Name Aegisub Advanced Substation Alpha Format
Developer N/A
Category Misc Files

Software, that convert 890 files

The list contains a list of dedicated software for converting 890 and ASS files. The list may also include programs that support 890 files and allow you to save them with different file extensions.

890 to ASS Converters

  • Subtitle Workshop iconSubtitle Workshop
  • 1 890 to ASS converters

890 and ASS conversions