What is O file?
An Open source project for products that doesn't need a .com or .org domain or a .com, .net or a .org. O File is the file extension that is added to certain types of OLE objects. An object with this extension can be opened by a software application without having to save the object first. It allows the software to open and save an OLE object even if it has no reference to it. A typical example of this is an image file with an image-object extension, which needs no saved image before opening it in the software application as long as there is no reference to it. This type of files can be used as data sources in different applications and systems, such as:
O Format details
Full Name | Compiled Object Format |
Developer | N/A |
Category | Developer Files |
Software, that convert O files
The easiest way to convert a O file is to save it in a different file format using dedicated software. Below you will find a list of software programs that can handle O files. Open your O file with one of them and save in another file format.
O Converters
GNU project C
Apple Xcode
Free Pascal
Microsoft Visual Studio